Thursday, April 07, 2005

Ok, just pressed "enter" when I didn't want to, sorry! To continue, the group of pictures is of Easter Sunday here in Macha, Zambia. There was a sunrise service (the pictures are all of that service and those walking/singing to that service), in which all the local women covered themselves with white sheets symbolizing Christ's raising from the dead. Unfortunately for my wife and my-self, this particular service was all in Tonga and we had no interpreter, but I heard the message was very good! After this service, they had a communion/foot washing service which started around 8:30am, and then the regular service, which began around 10 and lasted till about 12:00 or 12:30.
The main service was translated, so that was good for us!
 Posted by Hello


Blogger Stuart said...


I know exactly how you feel regarding the language thing. People here in Hollis tell me that they're speaking English but it's certainly not the one that I grew up with. Must be their accent or something. :)

It's great to follow your journey, physical and spiritual. Looking forward to seeing you both soon.

Thu Apr 07, 03:55:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Josh said...

At times Kenyians would be apologetic about their english when I had some trouble understanding them. I had to remind them that I couldn't complain unless I learned to speak with a British accent... though, then I have to decide which British accent...

Sat Apr 09, 12:55:00 PM 2005  

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