Saturday, April 02, 2005

Dear friends,

It is hot here in Zambia - the sun is strong and brilliant. It's only 90 degrees but it feels much hotter than that at midday. But it's neither too humid nor too dry so we're not complaining!

One of the missionary doctors killed a cobra on his back veranda the other night just to find an even larger one in it's place later the same night! Josh asked, "so how do you kill a cobra?" "Well, just get something long and hit it! Wear some glasses in case it spits so that you don't go blind..."

We also had to adjust to more insects here than in Kijabe. We had very little bugs there. Here we have to be very careful about ants problems in our kitchen, there are these funny flat spiders all over the house, little frogs come out at night asking to be stepped on, and there are little salamanders everywhere. We have a wonderful variety of birds but not much else in regards to wildlife. The most common animals are cows and donkeys wearing cowbells, chickens, ants (many different species), and the stray cats and dogs that you eye suspiciously on passing.

I am continuing to work primarily in pediatrics and outpatient department in addition to the operating theatre at least two days a week. I have become much more confident at applying casts, placing IV's, suturing, and cleaning wounds. I have become quite confident with doing spinal taps.

I am finally starting my last leg of research - I have administered the same questionnaire in Honduras and Kenya (translated) and have successfully acquired a translated copy of the questionnaire here and recruited some help with administration. Our goal is to start Monday and to get 100 questionnaires done in two weeks to give me time to work with the data before we leave. Pray!!

Josh finished a set of malaria data for the Malaria Research Institute after a frustrating week's delay when the laptop crashed. We are so thankful that we did not lose any important data or files!

We thoroughly enjoyed Easter here and have great recordings of church music to share when we get home! Zambian music is beautiful - everyone sings in rich four part harmony at full blast! It is not uncommon even to walk down the road and encounter a group of three women singing in perfect harmony as they walk along.

Our minds are beginning to think of our return to the States as it is only a month away. Before May we will spend a few days at Victoria Falls and a day in Choma next week to renew our visas.

Computer fixed without losing files
Learning so much
Helpers for my study
Josh is making progress is his study of Greek
A lovely home here
Good reports from home about a so far healthy little niece/nephew and pregnant sister!

Rain to relieve the drought
To be a blessing to missionaries and locals
To prepare for the States without detaching from this community
Wisdom in treating patients
Carefulness in treating patients - no overlooked details
Ministry for Josh
Receipt of necessary residency forms and info in time for deadlines

Thank you for your prayers and support!

To God's Glory,

Abby and Josh


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