Sunday, March 20, 2005

Dear friends,

We're going to be posting our news letters on this site as well as emailing them. Below is the first!

Dear friends,

The big news this week is of course our match for Abby's family practice residency - We are headed to Lawrence Massachusetts for at least the next 4 years, probably 5 years. Josh hopes to go to Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and work at Faith Baptist in Hollis, NH! We are excited about this, are eager to see what God has in store for us there, and are anticipating yet another transition as we move there on our return to the States.

Meanwhile, in Zambia...
... we have adjusted quickly to life in Macha. Our week and a half in the cities (Nairobi, Kenya followed by Lusaka, Zambia) helped us to transition between Kenya and Zambia. The week in Lusaka living with the Zambian family and their 12 orphans helped us understand Zambian culture, food, and lifestyle so that as we are in Macha we already have some understanding of the people we are living among.

Our living arrangements are again very nice! We have our own flat with a shared kitchen, CLEAN running water, hot shower, etc.! Abby walks about 10 minutes to the hospital down a lovely winding dirt road, Josh works mainly out of the house on computer stuff for the Malaria Research Institute - data entry, etc. Abby is focusing on pediatrics here and is learning a lot about malnutrition and malaria, among other tropical ailments!

We enjoyed Palm Sunday today - the entire church (including the large girls' boarding school in the area) paraded around the community waving palm branches, singing, and celebrating - it was really a neat experience!

Safe travels to Macha (even through a riot in one town!)
Health (Abby has gotten over a cold very quickly)
Residency match
New friends
Old friends staying in touch
Email to keep in touch!
Warm weather

Macha needs rain - drought and famine are impending
To be a blessing in Zambia
Language learning (Tonga)

Thank you again for your prayer and support!

To God's Glory,

Josh and Abby


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Josh and Abby,

We wish you God"s blessing as you stay in Zambia doing what the Lord want you to do while there.

May the Lord's love and care be seen in you as we so it while you stayed with us here in Kijabe, Moffat College of Bible and the Hospital.

Yours the Ngogoyo's

Pr. Peter Ngogoyo Njoroge & the Family, Rachael, Victor and Vincent.

Tue Mar 29, 07:21:00 PM 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Josh and Abby,

We wish you God"s blessing as you stay in Zambia doing what the Lord want you to do while there.

May the Lord's love and care be seen in you as we sow it while you stayed with us here in Kijabe, Moffat College of Bible and the Hospital.

Yours the Ngogoyo's

Pr. Peter Ngogoyo Njoroge & the Family, Rachael, Victor and Vincent.

Tue Mar 29, 07:23:00 PM 2005  

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