Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Edward Perronet

I don't have the time to post very much these days, but came across this story on the cyberhymnal website (Good story!)

Perronet, son of an Ang­li­can min­is­ter, de­scend­ed from French Hu­gue­nots who fled the con­ti­nent to es­cape re­li­gious per­se­cution. For a time, Per­ro­net was a co-worker of John and Charles Wes­ley. John Wes­ley was al­ways try­ing to get him to preach, but Per­ro­net, though cap­a­ble, was some­what in awe of Wes­ley, and al­ways de­ferred to him. Any time John Wes­ley was pre­sent, Per­ro­net felt Wesley should do the preach­ing. But John Wes­ley was not one to take “no” for an an­swer. So, one day, in the mid­dle of a meet­ing, he simp­ly an­nounced, “Bro­ther Per­ro­net will now speak.” Think­ing quick­ly, Per­ro­net stood be­fore the large crowd and de­clared, “I will now de­liv­er the great­est ser­mon ev­er preached on earth” (you can imag­ine he got ev­er­y­one’s at­ten­tion). He then read the Ser­mon on the Mount, and sat down.

This story can be found at