Tuesday, September 06, 2005

The Emerging Church

I'm about 1/4 of the way through Dan Kimball's book "The Emerging Church", and I"m not quite sure what to think of it. The Emerging Church discribes a "phenominon" that is occuring in some areas of the Christian community in the US and Europe (may have been happing for some time in Europe). This movement (if it can be called that yet) is a reaction to the advent of post-modern culture. He has not really defined what this movement means, and is upfront about the fact that nobody really knows percisely what it means yet.

He has described the "post-modern" culture as non-linear, community oriented, and not logic based... ok or not concerned with apparent contradictory views. Dan Kimball, the author, is making the point that we need to know how to reach people in this culture, because they are not comfortable with "big" modern and expensive gatherings that seek to catch your attention by impressing you with its professionalism, modern technology, and "coolness". The modern "seeker-sensitive" movement targets people who do not feel comfortable with the dull and dry churches they attended as children, and show them that Christianity really is "cool". So they take away those things that remind these people of their old, dull services, and supplant that with modern looking props, and asthetics. The post-moderns, however, often have not known church at all, so they are looking for, according to the Kimball, a more "authentic" religious experience. They have more technology in their house then we'll even have in the church, so they are just not impressed by it in the church.
There are a lot of issues to think through here, and as I said, I'm not really sure what I think of this. He's trying very hard to not be what he is reacting too (religious comsumerism), and stay true to the principles of the purpose of the church. I'm not yet convinced he has done that, but I'll have to read the whole book before I pass judment. I do agree with him that the New Testiment does not specify excactly what the church is to look like on the outside. There are many things that are very dependent on culture... that SHOULD be dependent on culture. Whatever it is that worships God and shows him great, that is what we need to do with all of our hearts.

I'm sure I'll have more to say on this! If anyone happens to read this who is part of this movement, I would love to hear from you.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


why don't after you finish reading the book, come up with a few specific questions or critique's that you might have, that i can then clarify and answer for you.


Thu Sep 08, 02:52:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Josh said...

Thank you Dan. I will do so.

Thu Sep 08, 03:24:00 PM 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Josh. K not saying that "emergents" aren't Christians or anything like that. And I'm sure most in the church have good intentions But they are wrong.

one of their stated quests is to be "relevant" to the culture. But thats code for "we're really being OF the world but making it look like we're just trying to "reach" them.

And honestly I think they are trying to reach peoople. Which good on em for but its that old story of being influenced as much as influencing.

They come up with many reasons to JUSTIFY (in fact DISGUISE) worldliness. And paint themselves as being the authentic and ultra spiritual ones.

They don't want too to give up worldy things so they hold on to them and JUSTIFY it and make it look "spritual" to do so

It really is a simple case of wanting to be worldy and hold onto the things of the world and creating wrong teachings to not only justify (perhaps to themselves) their worldiness but in fact those "teachings" make them look like the ultra spiritual & authentic ones.

I'm sure in your conversations with them they will throw out many "deep" and heavy ideas and arguments. But its mostly just a great fog that obscures and confuses the real/simple truths.

So I guess I would just say keep it simple. Hold too what you know is true and listen to the Holy Spirit.

Again i believe most of them have good intentions. I know some of the unofficial "higher ups" and they're really good hearted people but they are also very wrong.

I won't try to convince you of all this I'll just say if you look into the church, past the fog of twisted logic (aka smokescreen)
you will find an constant theme of worldliness that is justified, disguised and dressed up as "authentic" christianity/ultra spirituality.

so thats all. again good people but wrong. God Bless
(sorry I don't have a blog to leave a link too)

sorry that this isn't better written I'm kinda in a rush here but came across your blog by accident and saw your entry and wanted to drop yah a quick note.


Wed Sep 14, 10:54:00 AM 2005  
Blogger Josh said...

Thanks for your imput and advice. I finished Dan's book and I'm going to write a book review, hopefully by next week, and lay out my impressions of what He has to say. I of course appreciate any feedback and corrections in my understanding!

Wed Sep 14, 12:22:00 PM 2005  

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